111學年度第1學期 海洋事務研究所 開課課程簡介一覽表(以課程上課時間依序排列)
課程名稱 |
授課教師 |
課程簡介 |
上課時間 |
上課地點 |
漁業政策 |
高世明 |
從法律、行政機關/組織及執行與執法之角度,瞭解我國遠洋漁業及國際漁業之現況、問題與未來挑戰。 |
每週一 |
海MA 2034 |
整合性海洋與海岸管理(一):理論面向 |
蔡宏政 |
整合性海洋與海岸管理的關鍵在於「整合管理」,本課程主要目的在針對下列三點提供理論觀點的分析:海洋與海岸管理為何需要整合管理?如何進行整合管理?整合管理的跨國比較案例。 |
每週一 |
海MA 2034 |
海洋事務總論 |
胡念祖 |
「海洋事務總論」係海事所入門必修課程,以聯合國秘書長「海洋及海洋法」年度報告書為教材,由三十餘年前將「海洋政策」學術領域引進臺灣的胡念祖特聘教授所親授,讓學生由聯合國最高行政官員的高度以及全球的宏觀視野,理解「海洋事務」(Marine Affairs)的內涵與發展。 As a required course for new entrant students of the Graduate Institute of Marine Affairs, this course is based on the annual reports of the United Nations Secretary-General on "Oceans and the Law of the Sea." This course is taught by Distinguished Professor Nien-Tsu Hu, who introduced the academic field of "marine policy" to Taiwan more than three decades ago. The course will provide students with an understanding of the content and development of "Marine Affairs" from the viewpoint of a top executive officer of the United Nations and with a global macro perspective. |
每週一 |
海MA 2034 |
海洋政策 |
高世明 |
從國內海域立法、有效的海洋行政機關、與有力的海域執法三個層面出發,並佐以他國實踐,使學生能瞭解「海洋政策」之內涵與範疇。 |
每週一 |
海MA 2034 |
海洋環境變遷與南島民族 |
劉子銘 |
從文獻、實務理解南島文化的環境調適能力。 |
每週二 |
海MA 2037 |
海洋生物資源永續管理 |
張水鍇 |
海洋生物資源的「永續」,根基於海洋生物資源的健康、資源利用產業的發展與社會經濟的穩定、資源管理系統的健全等面向,本課程將和學生一起瞭解、探討海洋生物永續管理的這三個面向。 |
每週二 |
海MA 2034 |
南海議題特論 |
高世明 |
使學生瞭解南海相關爭議之內涵、現況及未來展望,南海周邊國家區域合作之潛在可行主題與合作機制及「中菲仲裁案」之判決內容與問題,確保我國在南海地區之國家利益。 For students to understand the nature and contexts, status quo, and future perspectives of the South China Sea disputes, potential cooperative subjects and mechanism among States bordering the South China Sea, and analysis and relevant questions of the judgement of the South China Sea arbitration to ensure our national interests in the South China Sea. |
每週二 |
海MA 2034 |
資源經濟學 |
劉子銘 |
應用經濟分析方法,評估海洋資源之使用及非使用之經濟價值。 |
每週三 |
海MA 2034 |
社會科學研究方法 |
蔡宏政 |
社會科學有許多研究方法,大體上被分為量化與質化兩類。本課程首先闡明這些方法的知識論基礎(也就是方法學),然後再介紹最常用的量化與質化研究方法,以說明一個好的研究都是量化與質化的創新組合。 |
每週三 |
海MA 2034 |
海洋產業經濟理論與實務 (英語授課 taught in English) |
劉子銘 |
社會與海洋互動之探究。 Examination of society's interaction with the ocean. |
每週三 |
海MA 2037 |
海洋環境與漁業資源 |
張懿 |
海洋環境變化對魚類不同生活史階段的影響複雜,了解環境變遷對魚類資源量與族群遷移行為的影響 ,有助掌握魚類重要棲息環境與習性 ,可據此做為資源管理措施擬定之重要依據。 Marine environment changes effecting on fishies in their different life stage is complex, to understand the process of fish abundance and migration under the envrionmental change is informative to clarify the key habitat and behavior, that can be the basment for planning the management measures. |
每週四 |
海MA 2034 |
國際法 |
胡念祖 |
中華民國自從1971年10月25日退出聯合國,迄今已將近50年、半世紀之久,國際法與我們的關係,似乎愈來愈遠,但這不是事實的真相。我們國家、社會,甚至個人的生活,均與國際社會所制定的國際規範息息相關,連一個Covid-19的疫苗亦需取得國際組織認證,其接種效力方有可能被他國承認,即是明證。 「教科書是死的,但是條約是活的」,條約文字反映出參與談判國家的國家利益(national interests)以及談判者的集體智慧(collective wisdom)。所以,學習國際法最直接、簡易的方式就是直接由條約的制約過程,乃至制約的結果,學習到國際法教科書中所涵蓋的諸多章節內容。 本課程由過去二十多年來代表國家進行第一手制約或修約多邊談判的胡念祖特聘教授講授,讓聽講者在充滿臨場感下,深刻地學習到國際法的內涵。 Since the Republic of China withdrew from the United Nations on October 25, 1971, it has been more than 50 years or one-half century since then. Our relationship with international law seems to become farther and farther away. However, this is not the actual image of reality. Our nation, our society, and even our personal life are all closely related to the international norms set by the international community, as evidenced by the fact that even a Covid-19 vaccine needs to be certified by an international organization before it can be recognized as effective by other countries. "Textbooks are dead, but treaties are alive," and the text of the treaties reflects the national interests of the States involved in the negotiations and the collective wisdom of the negotiators as well. Therefore, the most straightforward way to learn international law is through the treaty-making processes and the end products generated from such processes to know those covered in many chapters of international law textbooks. This course is taught by Distinguished Professor Nien-Tsu Hu, who has represented his country in first-hand multilateral negotiations on treaty-making or treaty amendments for over two decades. His experiences allow the audience to learn in a profoundly practical way the content of international law in an immersive on-the-spot sense. |
每週四 |
海MA 2034 |
我國水下文化資產保存法令 |
吳培福 |
本課程擬藉授課教師長期參與國際公約內國法化之經驗,與同學共同重返並見證我國制(訂)定水下文化資產法令之歷史現場。 |
每週四 |
海MA 2034 |
海洋空間規劃 (英語授課 taught in English) |
張懿 |
海洋空間規劃是一項結合科學調查、規劃理論與社會經濟研究等跨領域的海洋治理方法,透過複雜的利害關係人溝通與制度設計,最終得到海洋永續管理的最適方案。 Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) is one of the marine managing approaches which integrate science investigation, planning theory, and social-economic studies. This process providing optimal sustainable management measures in marine environment through complex consultations with stakeholders as well as institutional design. |
每週五 |
海MA 2034 |